Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Our baby said "butt" today.

Yes, it's true. She said her first Lexpletive today. (A Lexpletive is a word that I hate ... and there is a list of them.) We were shopping in Wal-Mart and Katrina reached for the buttons on my dress. I said, rather distracted by searching for an item, "You're playing with Mommy's buttons." And she very plainly said, "Butt. Buuuutttt."

What is this world coming to?!!


Anonymous said...

Tee hee. Next I teach her "armpit."

*sara* said...

woo-hoo. guess what? It's wednesday--and we'll be there saturday. :) then i can meet this famed "butt" speaker.

Anonymous said...

onoz! wait til she startz talkin online an lernz 2 chat speak

Anonymous said...

YES!!!! YEEEESSSS!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey marte! Here's the link to my pastor's blog:


If you can ignore the occasional typo made in haste, you'll see that he's a pretty intelligent, well-read guy. I respect him a lot.

It was good talking to you!!!

love, marte