(Note the beloved new sneakers. She slept in them the first day we got them. Literally. She refused to take a nap until Daddy helped her put her sneakers on - then she went right to sleep.)
And the outtakes ...
"Hold me, Mommy, hold me!!!"
"No take my picture."
If you look closely, you can see her fat lip. It's almost healed now. Wednesday night we were playing in the living room when Katrina hit her lip on the hardwood floor. Instant fat lip. Those pictures are on our other camera, but I'll post them soon. Of course she gets a split lip right before the first day of school. When Ryan was praying with Katrina Wednesday night, he said something like, "Help Katrina's lip feel better soon." Katrina interrupted him and said, "Mom did it, Dad." She blames me for her hurt lip! (We were roughhousing ... and she tried to dive on top of me and hit the floor.)
I can only imagine what she will tell her teacher today. She'll probably say that her mom hurt her lip, and her teacher will call Children and Family Services.
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