We decided to eat out at Red Lobster tonight - one final 'family date night' before This Baby (still unnamed!) arrives. We eat out more often than we should, but the last few times have been brutal because Katrina has acted up. Trying new things has helped ... instead of ordering her food first, we have learned that giving her a snack then getting her food with ours works better, etc. Tonight was GREAT! The food was good, Ryan and I had a chance to talk (about HD TiVos, of all things), and Katrina was so well behaved! She sat in a booster seat and ate applesauce and few bites of Mommy's salad all by herself. She didn't even throw too much of a fuss when I took her lemonade away (I was afraid she would drink too much and not eat). The best part, though, came at the end. Katrina was sitting by Ryan and I said to her, "Katrina, you were such a good girl tonight! You behaved very well at this restaurant." Her response? "I hug you!" We got a kick out of that. Apparently her love language is a combination of words of affirmation and physical touch. :) What a great night ... a great set of memories to look back upon when our family was 'just' three.
This Baby is due on Saturday ... today is Thursday (evening) ... no signs of labor yet. Probably good, since we still have to decide on a name! If all goes as planned/hoped for, this will probably be the last entry until she arrives. So, I hope to post soon with a big announcement..........
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3 years ago
I will suggest (and expect you to totally disregard the idea) naming This Baby "Michael Lyons Herbert" if it is a boy and "Allison Grace Herbert" if it is a girl.
Did you get my message? If you don't choose Selah, then Leah is also a good name.
Hortense Heather Herbert
Did you get my message? If you don't choose Selah, then Leah is also a good name.
11:15 PM, December 13, 2007
Hmmmm...Leah....leea...naw only room for one of us in the family I sent my list and all were denied...she isn't coming until you decide a name!!!
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