Sunday, October 22, 2006


I've had this post floating around in my head for almost two weeks now. I can't believe it's taken me this long to finally share the news. (Leah, I'm sorry if you heard it from Laura first - I've been meaning to call you!)

Our big news is ... Katrina is walking!! Finally! :) She basically just stood up and walked one day. Elaine, our regular daycare provider, was closed on Columbus Day, so Laura graciously watched Katrina for us. Laura IMed me about an hour after I dropped off Katrina and said, "You didn't tell me your daughter is walking." I replied, "She didn't tell me she is walking!!" Laura said Katrina sat watching her homeschool Cayden, slid to the edge of the furniture, stood up, and walked over to them. Yay!!!!! I was beginning to think Katrina was going to be the only 5-year old to crawl into kindergarten. Okay, maybe not that drastic, but she was four days shy of being 17-months old when she finally decided to walk. We were getting some pressure from the pediatrician to start her in physical therapy, since she wasn't walkng by 15-months. It's funny, in a way. Since she waited so long to walk, she's really good at it. I mean, she still stumbles every now and then, but she mastered leaning over to pick up things about two days after she started walking. Now she toddles around the house, picks up imaginary pieces of dirt from the floor, and brings them to me.

She is also talking a lot more in the last two weeks. I wonder if she was concentrating so hard on walking that talking kind of came in second place. Now that she's walking with ease, she's started saying at least three new words this week alone. She says "shoe-shoe" for both shoes and socks, "okay" even when she doesn't mean it, and the dreaded "no." But she doesn't speak "no" and mean it ... if you ask her if she loves you, she'll say "no" then smile. If she really doesn't want something, she still shakes her head no. And she's nodding now, too! This is such a fun age.

I'm pondering another child. Katrina is 17 months old. I have a Mirena IUD, so if I had it removed now, we'd want to wait approximately 3 months before trying to get pregnant again. (Assuming I get pregnant right away, which my doctor assures me I shouldn't have problems getting pregnant. She (my doctor) refers to me as "Fertile Myrtle" since I got pregnant on birth control.) So Katrina would be 29-ish months (2 1/2) when the baby came. Ryan and I have talked about having our kids three (3) years apart, but that seems so far away right now. Of course, I still haven't figured out what I want to do when I grow up (work/stay at home/get ordained/do it all), so adding another child to the equation probably wouldn't be a good idea right now.

Yikes! It's past 10:30 and I have to work tomorrow. Ryan is in Colorado but comes home tomorrow ... I'm so glad!! I want to get into work early (well, earlier than I have been recently) so I can get home and make dinner for when he gets home from the airport.

Also, please pray for our friends Leah and Mark. Leah e-mailed last night to say:

So we just heard from Mark's mom that his older cousin, Judy, was killed in a car accident this afternoon. Her husband was with her and is in critical condition in the hospital. They were on their way from their home in eastern Colorado to Pueblo where their Grandma, aunts/uncles, and Judy's sister lives. They have two boys, a 19-year-old who is in Iraq and a 16-year-old at home. Seems like she was in her mid to late 40s. Please pray for them and for Rory's recovery.

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