Wednesday, July 05, 2006

There was an EARWIG on my toothbrush tonight. I. Hate. Earwigs. Intensely. Extremely. Pure hatred. They would appear out of nowhere in the big piles of laundry we had to do my first summer of Conferences. Sooooooo groooooooooosssssssssss.

Earwigs and other things I hate (but not JB - I don't hate her!)


Anonymous said...

I saw an earwig floating in the pool yesterday and thought of you. (It was still alive! Do those things ever die??)

Leah said...

Nothing is worse than a misquito.

Anonymous said... know, now that I think about it, I haven't seen one earwig here in the northwest. Spiders the size of my fist, sure, but no earwigs.

Dude, please tell me that comic was made for you--if not, that's too weird. :)

Anonymous said... know, now that I think about it, I haven't seen one earwig here in the northwest. Spiders the size of my fist, sure, but no earwigs.

Dude, please tell me that comic was made for you--if not, that's too weird. :)

Anonymous said...

oops...I hiccupped. (just once)

oh, and how did your proposal come out?
