July is almost over, and I haven't posted. Sheesh.
My to do list for this week, in case you are interested:
Convince Ryan to attend picnic that's part of the missions council meeting this Sunday [I didn't convince him. I just said, "We're going."]
RSVP for the missions council meeting this Sunday-
Convince Ryan we need to enroll Katrina in preschool for the fall [I think I accomplished this one.]
- Enroll Katrina in preschool
E-mail church secretary with who is teaching this Sunday.-
Reply to gazillion e-mails that arrived while I was on vacation [If I missed you, I'm sorry!]
Create August teaching schedule-
Create agenda for Children's Ministry meeting Monday night [The meeting was great!]
Convince Ryan to attend the Frederick Keys game on Friday with the church - it's a fireworks night [It was too late to RSVP, and he has to work late tonight, anyway.]
RSVP about Keys' game (if there is still time) [See above.]
Work expense report (way overdue)-
FSA expense report (way overdue)- Church expense report (the most overdue)
unpack van from vacation [accomplished this evening, including vacuuming with my handy-dandy new
vacuum purchased for $32 on clearance at Wal-Mart]
lesson plan for Sunday [Although now it's time to work on the lesson plan for this Sunday]
- post remaining pictures from Illinois to the gallery
- Set up consultation with endodontist
- Call insurance to see how much my next dentist appointment will cost.
Cry.- Finish cleaning the computer room. (Ryan cleaned it while I was gone and it looks awesome! I need to go through the boxes of stuff that remain.)
Volunteer for Community Fun Day at our church.-
Purchase supplies to donate for school bags for Community Fun Day at our church. Staples has some super-good sales for school supplies right now.- Hire a housekeeper, because
a housekeeper is cheaper than a divorce. :)
Added this evening:
Clean up the kitchen from all the junk I unloaded from the van. Must be done by morning, before Clemence arrives. [11:00 p.m. edit: Mostly done. I can finish the last few things in the morning. I would have been done sooner, but I've spent most of the evening reading
http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com and weeping.]