My poor husband has had a rough couple of weeks now. He's been super-tired since the baby arrived, plus we've had family visiting for the last three weeks. The bad "day" started when his parents were here. Er, not because they were here, but because he ran into a curb and damaged one of our cars. That set us back about $1200. Then this past Monday he hit the neighbor's mailbox and fence on his way to work and shattered his windshield. That only cost a $50 deductible, but still. And he's worked 10 - 12 hours a day the last three days. He has to go up to Pennsylvania tonight for work, making for two more long days. I told him he should go to the hotel early tonight and get a good night's sleep. :)
Please pray for our friends Sheila and Jeff! Sheila was due with their first baby on September 11, but Naomi Joy arrived June 14, weighing only 1 lb. 4 oz. She is a miracle baby! Already nine days old ... God is good. You can read more about Naomi at little peanut is doing great. I think Katrina laughed for the first time the other day. She had been sleeping in her Pack 'n' Play in the living room for a few nights while we painted her room, and she got very excited when I put her back in her crib for the first time. Her crib bumper is barnyard animals (made by her Grandma Herbert) and she looked at them, smiled, and laughed! I told Ryan it was like she found her long-lost friends. She's a good baby. :)
I'm heading back to work next week. Not sure if I'm ready for it. These past few weeks have passed too quickly!